unexpected rock bottom???

Every time Donut tells Mongo not to do something...

Work doodle ❀

Zone 2-2, the tank in the city - Beyond Citadel GAMEPLAY ITA SUB ENG #5

How much does “shake before serve” actually change the taste?

I wish everyone else would just disappear

idk. I feel like I've been hiding who I am my entire life. And if things stay the same, that will never change. The truth is I wish I looked like a cute girl, and I've probably always desired that even if I wasn't aware of it. I've never worn anything feminine in public and only a few times in private. I know people will look at me different if I do, and I don't like standing out. I don't want to be seen as deviant. And anyway, wearing feminine things in this male body makes me very uncomfortable, like it will only emphasize all of the masculine parts of my body like how hairy I am. I think I'll continue hiding who I am for the rest of my life. The truth is I'm a coward who won't abandon what feels easy and safe. (I really admire all of you guys who dress femininely by the way). But is my current life all that different from being dead? I don't find it fulfilling at all and don't feel like my emotional needs are being met. I'm just idling by through life. So what if I got a remote software engineering job, moved out of my parents house, and stayed inside an apartment all day everyday. If I didn't have to worry about other people, I could just be myself and change my body. Maybe I could find someone else in a similar situation and date them. If I were to change my body through medical means, I don't know if I'd be able to deal with the attention that came with it. People would notice eventually. It would probably make my dad sad — he said he'd be sad if I was gay because of all of the harassment I would have to deal with. So if he knew I was probably trans, he'd probably react negatively. I also don't think he sees trans people as the gender they identify with. And he always comments about how he doesn't think other people should be getting tattoos, so he probably doesn't have great opinions about gender affirming care. I don't even think it's a good idea to tell my mom. I don't trust her not to tell someone else. She's stupid and naive and probably doesn't understand the potential consequences of that. She also got weirdly excited when I told her I was bi/not straight. If I don't even feel comfortable telling my mom who is very supportive of queer people in general, then how am I supposed to feel comfortable with the whole world knowing? I don't really think other queer people would even understand me. I don't really have much dysphoria and like being seen as a man because of the invisibility that comes with it. So although I can relate to a lot of trans fem experiences, the way I experience dysphoria is fundamentally different from most trans people. And even disregarding gender stuff, dealing with other people can be so stressful... I wish I looked cute and had a partner I loved to cuddle with. I think maybe then I would be happy. But neither of those things are that likely to happen if I hide from the world.

made this sick phonk song remix :D need ratings

Super Bowl LIX on Tubi

Super Bowl LIX on Tubi

When the Aissignment is to make a meme... So you make the meme about making a meme


Help I neeeeeed more karma

ISyE 6416 Homework 4 Solved

Pareri la ...calai, asa... Rapid - Slobozia 2-1

1. Aioani - Nota 6.5 - A cam somat, a luat gol dar nu a avut vina la gol. 2. Pascanu - Nota 5 - Mi se pare in scadere de forma sincer. Si nu e primul meci, si la Cluj a gresit la ambele goluri, chiar daca la primul doar a alunecat. 3. Ciobotariu - Nota 6 - Eu unul simt lipsa lui Ignat si a taliei lui. Dar s-a descurcat ok azi, a avut si ocazie de gol, dar mai mult l-a lovit mingea decat el pe minge. 4. Borza - Nota 7 - Cum a ajuns Borza sa fie unul dintre cei mai buni jucatori ai nostri? Astazi nu a iesit asa mult la rampa, dar este foarte constant si se descurca din ce in ce mai bine si in atac si mai ales in aparare. 5. Braun - Nota 5 - Il prefer pe Onea. Mi se pare ca are incursiuni bune pe partea lui Braun dar cand da centrare iti vine sa iti blestemi zilele. 6. Kait - Nota 7 - Mi se pare ca de cateva meciuri se descurca foarte bine. Dar este un DM mai mult ofensiv decat defensiv. Opusul lui Hromada. 7. Christensen - Nota 7 - Se lipeste mingea de el. Daca ar avea pe cineva langa el cu care sa creeze, ar fi super. In continuare mi se pare ca punem foarte mult pe carca lui. Alearga enorm si are viziune super buna in joc. Eu sincer as lua mai multi din regiunea aia a lumii. 8. Emmers - Nota 6 - Poate e jucator care trebuie sa intre pe parcurs, nu titular. Ca titular sincer nu s-a descurcat asa bine. 9. Rares Pop - Nota 5 - Nu mi s-a parut in joc. Astazi a fost slabut. 10. Petrila - Nota 6 - S-a descurcat ok sincer, alearga mult dar cred ca are nevoie sa joace mai consistent. Cand are perioade in care nu joace se vad imediat in reveniri. 11. Burmaz - Nota 3.5 - Imi pare super rau pentru el, dar nu cred ca ar trebui sa mai primeasca sanse. Sa stea putin pe banca, sa se calmeze un pic si sa isi revina. Ce fac cu tricoul cu el? :) Schimbari: 12. Dobre - Nota 7.5 - Pe cat il iubesc pe Rares, consider ca cea mai buna extrema care o avem in momentul asta e Dobre. A dat golul victoriei. Ar trebui sa fie titular. 13. Grameni - Nota 6.5 - A fost ok, a facut parte din joc. Avem cativa mijlocasi buni, dar multi dintre ei nu primesc suficiente sanse prin rotatia asta la mijloc. 14. Gojkovic - Nota 7.5 - Cred ca daca i s-ar da sanse si incredere si ar avea jocuri in picioare ar fi o piesa buna langa Christensen. Trebuie sa se calmeze un pic, cand o sa aiba relaxare in joc o sa fie super. 15. Ankeye - Nota 6 - A avut cateva incursiuni ok, dar si niste faze comice. Dar sa nu judecam acum, sa ii dam ceva timp. Apropo, la 10 minute dupa ce a intrat a inceput cineva din spatele sa il injure. Astia suntem, ce sa faci. 16. N'jie - Nota 6 - Se vede ca are calitate, dar mi se pare foarte foarte indolent. Majoritatea atingerilor au fost devieri cu calcaiul. FZR!

Can somebody draw my favorite cat?

Requesting r/CelebHub

I’m requesting r/CelebHub. It was a really big NSFW Server which got recently banned for being unmoderated. I’d like to continue its legacy with a new mod team.

What should I do

Hey guys .. so today I ordered my mavic 3 and I had this message come up which had me wondering what exactly I’m supposed to do ?

I’ve ordered many times and checked my states laws just in case anything changed which I found nothing on .

I contacted DJI and they said it should not be a problem ect. Has anyone delt with this before?

"> Hey guys .. so today I ordered my mavic 3 and I had this message come up which had me wondering what exactly I’m supposed to do ? I’ve ordered many times and checked my states laws just in case anything changed which I found nothing on . I contacted DJI and they said it should not be a problem ect. Has anyone delt with this before?

Empire Gun Carriage Scratch Build

I wanted to see if I could get both guns out of the Hellblaster/ Helstorm box, so tried a bit of scratch building for the wheels and carriage. While it's a bit rough (some on purpose), I figure I can justify it as a field replacement after the original carriage was damaged or destroyed. Not sure when I'll use the Helstorm, but I like having the option. I think it retains the appropriate dimensions with this as well (as opposed to simply mounting it on a base or something).

Zone 2-2, the tank in the city - Beyond Citadel GAMEPLAY ITA SUB ENG #5

"Chhava" – A Cinematic Tribute to the Legendary Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj

Read firsthand observations from our front-line cyber responders and analysts. Get the report.

Read firsthand observations from our front-line cyber responders and analysts. Get the report.

Differences between the interview and the Grammy after-party

Hi, just wondering for those who watched the After-Party screening of the interview via some streamers, what are the differences you notice in the edit that we got? Was it 27min long too or longer?

Stand up dated

RayCue Mac Mini M4 Dock/Hub USB Audio issues

No Idea if this is specific to the RayCue dock or for USB audio in general, but occasionally after my Mac wakes up I've lost all audio over the KT\_USB\_AUDIO interface. I can switch to the built in or my monitor speaker and they are fine, to get the USB audio working again I have to disconnect and reconnect the dock, which also means unmounting and remounting the SSD I have in it. Has anyone else seen this?

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